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House Rules

  • No parties or loud music allowed – guests who disrespect this rule may be removed from the apartment
  • Quiet hours from 11pm to 7am
  • No pets permitted
  • No smoking inside the apartment
  • Dispose of garbage properly. Garbage disposal rules are posted on the door of the apartment and in the apartment manual
  • Do not throw anything from the balcony.
  • Only registered guests allowed
  • Keep furniture in place
  • Turn off AC when not in use
  • Ensure taps, lights, doors, and windows are closed before departure
  • Guests will be held liable for any property damage
  • Check-out time by 11:00 am unless otherwise agreed

Check-in and checkout times

Arrive between 3:00 PM – Flexible
Leave before 11:00 AM

Cancellation Policy

  • To receive a full refund, guests must cancel within 48 hours of booking, and the cancellation must occur at least 14 days before check-in
  • If guests cancel 7 or more days before check-in but not within 48 hours of booking, they will receive 50% refund for all nights
  • If guests cancel after that, no refunds will be given

Malta Eco-Tax Contribution

Environmental Contribution at a Glance

  • Applies to: Persons 18yrs or older on day of arrival and staying at ANY type of accommodation.
  • Calculation: €0.50c x Person x Number of Nights
  • Maximum Charge: €5.00 per person per continuous stay.

This applies to local and foreign guests staying at any type of accommodation including hotels, guesthouses, farmhouses, villas, hostels, self-catering apartments. The contribution is not included in your room rate and so you will be charged for it separately. This contribution is not subject to VAT, commissions or other charges.
The Managers/Owners of the accommodation property where you are staying are obliged to collect the contribution and pass it on to Government. They are also expected to keep a record of the number of guests, their ages and length of stay.

This information will enable them to calculate the charge and keep an audit trail.For this reason, you may be asked to provide personal information such as your date of birth and to support this with a document, such as a passport or driver’s license. All data is collected and processed in accordance with the Data Protection laws of Malta

If you have questions about this Environmental Contribution, you may get in touch with the Ministry for Tourism on 22915038 or [email protected] or the Malta Tourism Authority on 22915000 or [email protected] (

Damage Insurance

We are committed to protecting our properties and keeping up-to-date with short-term rental regulations, which is why you will be asked to complete our independent verification through Superhog Know Your Guest Program and Superhog Host Insurance.

Please note: Before your booking begins, you will need to verify your details with us to complete your booking. You will be contacted via email and/or text to complete the verification.
You will also be given the choice between paying a refundable deposit or buying a small non-refundable damage waiver. We suggest you buy the damage waiver as this protects you in case you cause accidental damage during a booking.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is available here.